Standard Barcode Numbers

Here you can purchase EAN-13 barcode numbers for your product. This is for the numbers only and doesn’t include the images etc. So you should only purchase this is you can produce them images yourself, or don’t require them.

Note – 1 barcode is needed per unique product – This includes product variations, so if the size or colour changes, a new barcode is needed.

Note – these can be used as Global Location Numbers (GLN Numbers) if necessary – You would need a separate number for this.

  • Standard Barcode Numbers

    INSTANT EMAIL DELIVERY. Your email will contain your EAN-13 barcode numbers (without the barcode images) and a PDF guarantee certificate stating that you are the sole owner of your barcode numbers.

    Please purchase this item if you are able to produce the barcode images yourself, or for whatever reason, don’t require the images. If you do require the barcode images as well please purchase “EAN-13 barcode packages” instead.

    Complimentary barcode registration on the International Barcodes Database is included.

    Instant email delivery if paying by credit or debit card or PayPal on our website.

    Quantity    Price per Barcode
    1 $ 30
    2 $ 29
    3 $ 28
    4 $ 27
    5 + $ 26
    10 $ 23
    20 $ 19
    30 $ 16
    40 $ 14
    50 $ 12
    75 $ 11
    100+ $ 10
    150 + Please contact us.


    NEW – A TAX OF 18% VAT will be Charged as required by Law

    Note – All prices are in USD convertible to UGX

    Add to cart

If you need barcode packages (with the images & registration), please use the following links: EAN-13 barcode packages, UPC Barcode packages, CD barcode packages & DVD barcode packages.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.